Protests over last week's chokehold death of Jordan Neely got heated Monday night.

Protesters were calling for the arrest of Marine veteran Daniel Penny, the man seen in a cellphone video putting Neely in the fatal chokehold on a subway train.

Several were arrested outside the Broadway-Lafayette Street subway station in SoHo Monday night.

Police asked protesters to move from the subway entrance, and anyone who did not comply was placed in custody.

Police also told the crowd they needed to be on the sidewalk and that anyone blocking traffic would also be arrested.

"You cannot be in the street obstructing traffic," Chief of Patrol John Chell said at a Monday night news briefing. "If you were there, you saw the numerous warnings. Not only not allowed to be in the street, it is a danger factor. The traffic was open."

There were also protesters on the subway platform.

Police officials said at a Monday night news conference that they made "about 11" arrests and recovered what they described as a "Molotov cocktail."

Chief of Department Jeffrey Maddrey said a peaceful march to the 7th Precinct was held following the incident at the Broadway-Lafayette subway station.

The investigation into the chokehold continues.