The warm weather months may seem like a distant dream, but it’s the perfect time to start planting flowers bulbs. In Queens, residents came out on a gloomy Sunday to prepare for the spring bloom.

Hunter’s Point Parks hosted its fifth annual LIC Bulb Festival. Volunteers planted nearly 10,000 flower bulbs in Hunters Point South Park and Gantry Plaza State Park. A mix of different flowers were planted, including tulips and daffodils. Residents say it’s part of their responsibility to help beautify their neighborhood. 

“It’s so great that you can really engage with this beautiful public space, but it's also to feel invested in this space and feel like you contributed something so that’s why I think it’s great they do the tulip bulb fest every year," said April Moorhouse, a volunteer.

Next Saturday is the group's last planting day until Spring. For more information on how to get involved visit: .