POLK COUNTY, Fla. — A premature Polk County baby is finally home from the hospital. 

Parents Jessica and Christopher Hill weren’t able to conceive on their own, so they took the unusual step of adopting embryos left over from another couple's in vitro fertilization (IVF) efforts. 

Little Finn Hill was born at only 24 weeks and weighed only 1.2 pounds. Because he was so small and had so many medical issues he spent three months at Nemours Children’s Hospital in Orlando. 

Jessica and Christopher started a Facebook page titled “Fighting Finn” based on Finn’s nickname. Thousands of people followed his progress. 

His parents finally got to bring him home Tuesday.

“Surreal for me,” said Jessica about finally bringing Finn home.

“It was emotional because we loved all the nurses and doctors, so it was hard leaving them,” said Christopher. 

Little Finn is still hooked up to an oxygen machine and monitors.

“So that was kind of good and bad,” said Christopher. “Because we don’t want all this on him, but at the same time we can just look over there (at the monitors) and he’s doing great.”

The couple is very thankful for all the support they have received from complete strangers.

“Thank you to every single person, not just inside the hospital but outside the hospital supporting us and praying for us,” said Christopher.