Fresh produce and food have once again come to Downtown Flushing.

GrowNYC Green Market launched their 2017 season on Wednesday at the Maple Playground.

“The goal here is to really support local producers, people who actually make things,” said John Choe, Executive Director of the Greater Flushing Chamber of Commerce.

In addition to the food, this year shoppers can participate in nutrition education workshops, cooking demonstrations, and family-friendly activities.

“Within the community, people are looking for fresh fruits and vegetables,” said Liz Carollo, Publicity Manager for GrowNYC.

“You see a young kid come by and ask for kale. I didn't even know what kale was when I was a child, you know, and they say mommy I want kale,” said Vito Vega of R&G Produce, one of the vendors at the market.

Organizers kicked things off with a performance by the CityParks PuppetMobile.

The market will take place every Wednesday until Thanksgiving.

For more information or to become a vendor, go to