The Coronavirus may not be a game but a Brooklyn company has created one in honor of the Doctor helping to fight it.

"Fauci's Revenge" requires players to shoot lasers and avoid bad behaviors like large gatherings and touching your face.  It was created by the founder of DUMBO-based obstacle course "Beat the Bomb."

The online game is named for Brooklyn native Doctor Anthony Fauci, the infectious disease expert who has been a fixture in presidential briefings on the Coronavirus.

The game is free but players are encouraged to make a donation to the city's public hospitals.

"They're out there putting themselves in danger to keep us safe. So the rest of us should be trying to find, in any way we can with any skills we can, a way to help them out," said CEO and Founder Alex Patterson.

Beat the Bomb is selling t-shirts and giftcards to benefit the cause. It has also donated all of its protective suits, gloves and face shields.

To play the game or donate visit