New York's statewide unemployment rate fell last month from 9.2% in October to 8.4% in November, the state Department of Labor is set to announce on Thursday.

There were 36,300 private-sector jobs added, 0.5% increase in the state compared to 0.3% nationally.

Job growth rebounded quickly over the summer in New York and across the country, but in some parts of the U.S. has stalled amid a resurgence in COVID-19 cases. 

The national unemployment rate is 6.7%. 

New York's unemployment rate shot up in the spring to a double-digit percentage rate amid the COVID-19 pandemic and the closure of public gathering places and businesses to halt the spread of the virus. 

The state is still facing a recession-level rate of joblessness, however, as state officials take a more targeted approach to closures and restrictions on restaurants, hair salons and other industries that have been affected by the crisis.

Unemployment has been particularly profound in New York City, where industries like tourism and hospitality have especially suffered.