With tensions remaining high between Russia and Ukraine, people in Central Florida with Ukrainian ties say they cannot help feeling tense themselves.

What You Need To Know

  • A Ukraine native shares his feelings on what is happening

  • Revived Soldiers Ukraine has raised money to buy medicines and medical supplies for Ukrainian military hospitals

A lot of prayer and a lot of calls for support are certainly happening at the Ukrainian Catholic Church in Apopka, where Mykola Havrelyuk can be found.

Havrylyuk has lived in Central Florida since 2007, but Ukraine is his home, and he says some of his family is still there.

“I told my family, ‘I love you guys, I miss you, and I’m always going to support Ukraine, going to support my country, and support my family and relatives,’ " he said.

Recently, a demonstration took place in downtown Orlando with dozens of people calling for support for Ukraine.

One of the biggest sentiments is hope for their families' safety, and for a civil solution that does not involve an invasion.

“What do we have? We have a not-stable situation next to the border with Ukraine," Havrylyuk said. "What is going to happen, we don’t know, but hopefully, there’s going to be a peaceful way."

A nonprofit based in Orlando, Revived Soldiers Ukraine, is also answering the call to help.

The group so far has raised close to $50,000 to buy medicines and medical supplies for Ukrainian military hospitals and wounded Ukrainian soldiers.

That same nonprofit said on social media that war is the last thing they want, but if it comes, the people of Ukraine will be ready to fight for their land and their independence​.