As the city's deputy sheriffs make their rounds busting illegal clubs for allegedly breaking COVID-19 rules, one former city sheriff is concerned the black market for illegal cigarettes is exploding across the boroughs because the department has to focus on so many other issues now. 

Dean Meminger spoke with Edgar Domenech, a former New York City Sheriff and a former deputy director of the Bureau of Arms, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, about an issue he's concerned with.

"New York City is actually the number one city in the United States for illegal cigarette trafficking," Domenech said. "Over 50 to 60 percent of the cigarettes sold in retail stores in New York City are untaxed cigarettes, which means the city is not recouping the tax revenue."

The city says the Sheriff's office is strapped for resources due to the pandemic, but the city says it is suing the United States Postal Service to block them from shipping cigarettes into the city. They previously sued UPS and FedEx.