In her 20-year career with the American Ballet Theatre, Principal Dancer Misty Copeland has shattered countless racial barriers on her way to the top.

She chronicles those accomplishments and the struggles to reach them in a new book, “The Wind at My Back.” It’s written through the lens of her relationship with one woman who Misty describes as her North Star. That would be her mentor, ballerina Raven Wilkinson.

In a companionship that spanned city blocks and continents, Misty writes that conversations “felt like a one-on-one master class with a legend. Raven took that beautiful and rich tradition of teaching and made it feel tailored to me.”

Be sure to tune in Tuesday for our next installment of “Mornings on One Authors Week,” when we sit down with actor and producer Sheetal Sheth to talk about her picture book, "Making Happy."