QUEENS, N.Y. - It's a common sight, day and night, Jews from around the world visiting the grave of Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, the influential leader of the Chabad Lubavitch movement.

So what was Cleciane Furtado, a Catholic limo driver, doing there the other day?

"I thought it was like a private thing but no anyone can come and pray make the wishes and pray. And when you leave, you feel peace in your heart," Furtado said.

It turns out Schneerson's final resting place also draws many non-Jews to pray or meditate.

Furtado says she first entered Old Montefiore Cemetery in Cambria Heights a few years ago after having driven people there. 

She was driven by her own faith to learn more.

Now she has become a kind of ambassador for the site, telling travelers she picks up at Kennedy Airport they should visit.

"If you can come to a place that I can bring you to God, why not?" Furtado said.

Schneerson biographer Rabbi Joseph Telushkin says he is not surprised by the attraction.

"I think people are in awe of greatness. And they like to touch it and they like to be inspired," Telushkin noted.

Schneerson, known as the Rebbe, helped to transform the Chabad Lubavitch movement after the Holocaust into the force it is today, with an international network of over 3,000 educational, outreach and social service centers. 

When he was alive, the faithful sought his guidance; thousands would line up to receive his blessing. 

Chabad representatives say they welcome anyone the Rebbe's message reaches regardless of their faith.

"The Rebbe's teachings and ideas continue to inspire millions of people from Jews and non-Jews and the impact's felt across society. And people respond to that," said Rabbi Motti Seligson.

That's part of the draw for Matthew Charles.

He was sentenced to 35 years in prison for selling cocaine.

He credits advocates, some of them influenced by Schneerson, for pushing the criminal justice reform that led to his early release.

Clive Williams comes here twice a month. He says after questioning his own faith he began making the pilgrimage to find guidance.

"I found the experience to be exhilarating. I found the experience to be really powerful," Williams said.

Now he says it's a go-to spot whenever he has a problem. He's brought his grandson and other relatives to share the experience.

"The more I came here, the more I felt, you know, relieved, you know, and open," said Stone Williams, Williams' grandson.

It's a feeling shared by many visitors to the Rebbe's grave - Jews and non-Jews - now 25 years after his death.