There has been a development in the battle to allow people adopted in New York access to their original birth certificate.

The State Health Department has spoken with advocates and opponents of the issue and issued a report that may push the state legislature to pass what is called a clean adoption reform bill.

When we talk about a clean adoption reform bill we are talking about giving people adopted in New York unrestricted access to their original birth certificate.

Right now if you're adopted in New York you can't get your original birth certificate without a court battle. The State Health Department has now weighed in and said the conversation should move forward.

Since the 1930's New York has sealed the original birth certificates of anyone adopted in New York.

Since the 1990's adoptees have been fighting for access — access to their family history and their own medical history. Adoptees have argued it is a basic human right to know your heritage and whether or not there is a pre-existing medical condition your family should be aware of.

It wasn't until December of last year that an adoption reform bill actually made it to the governor's desk but he vetoed it at the the urging of adoptees, who argued it was a flawed bill and would have actually made it harder, not easier, for adoptees to get their original birth certificates.

That pushed the State Health Department to listen to both advocates and opponents and issue its own report. 

Adoptees are pushing state lawmakers to pass a bill this session.

 There are only nine states that offer unrestricted access to adult adoptees.