Bronx Assemblyman Kenny Burgos joined Errol Louis on “Inside City Hall” Wednesday to discuss the 421-a tax break and why he’s glad it won’t be included in the delayed state budget still being debated in Albany.

“We always look to recertify it and make sure we get housing built in New York City, but right now, in this moment, we really pushed to get it out the budget,” Burgos said. “Something as impactful as this tax credit that really shapes housing in our city, we have to talk about this more deliberately.”

The rule gives a tax break to developers who include affordable housing in their new construction, but critics say it costs the city and state far too much in revenue. Whether to renew it, reform it, or introduce an entirely new system before 421-a expires in June is the subject of a heated debate in Albany.

Gov. Kathy Hochul proposed a replacement for the tax break in January, but Burgos and other legislators want to take the time after the budget to decide how best to approach the questions around the law.

As the budget continues to be delayed, Burgos put the blame squarely on the governor’s proposed bail reform rollbacks.

“The governor essentially jammed this proposal down our throats, 12 days before our budget was due,” Burgos said. “When we go to the data, it’s my belief that there was no need to revisit pre-trial reform.”

Burgos also discussed raising pay for home health care workers and closing Rikers Island, the city’s jail complex located in his district.