Inside the Samantha Lawrence salon in Pleasant Plains, hair is getting dyed, and Donald Trump is getting discussed. Specifically, his first 100 days in office.

The owner didn't vote in November, but now wishes she did, for Donald Trump.

"I do believe he wants to help us,” Samantha Lawrence said. “I don't think he wants to hurt us, he's a business man, he's a smart business man."

Trump defeated Hillary Clinton on Staten Island by a 56 to 41 percent margin. It was the only New York City borough to go red.

Salon employee Frank Petersen was part of that 56 percent. He supports Trump's efforts to fight terrorism.

"With everything going on in the world right now, it's a scary place and I believe he's the man that's going to get everything back on track again,” he said.

Council Member Joe Borelli represents much of the dominantly Republican South Shore, and was a Trump delegate at the Republican convention.

He thinks the first 100 days have been positive except for one factor.

"I wish he would communicate a little better,” he said. “He's someone who has the ability to communicate via Twitter and I wish his press shop would keep up with that."

Trump made several promises specifically regarding his first 100 days including enacting legislation to start draining the swamp, get funding to start building the wall and to repeal Obamacare, which was attempted but not completed. However Trump supporters, like Charlene LaGreca, said as long as it gets done that's all that matters.

"If he truly believes the job is a lot harder than he expected it to be, then I don't expect him to fulfill his 100 day promises,” she said. “It''ll take longer than that, I just hope he does do it."

Donald Trump has 100 days down, and more than 1,300 to go.