From dark and dingy to bright and beautiful.

"It used to be all graffitied and stuff and now it's painted very nice. It's just going to change the whole community," said Ryan Bowe, an 8th grade student at St. Gregory the Great School.

Residents say this pedestrian tunnel under the Cross Island Parkway in Bellerose was an eyesore for years.

Now it's home to a 100 foot-long mural and it's all thanks to students at St. Gregory the Great School.

The students decided to repaint the underpass as part of a service project.

They were also frustrated with the way the tunnel looked.

With funding from the Department of Transportation, they spent two weeks in April painting the wall.

"It's such a powerful experience for them to be able to contribute to their community right now, doing a beautiful work of art with a positive message and it makes them feel like they can be agents of positive change in their neighborhood," said Joel Bergner, the Lead Mural Artist for the project.

The mural's theme is about overcoming obstacles and keeping a positive attitude.

"There are a lot of different problems with peace and social injustices. And I think when you pass through this mural, you get to see how we can start from something that's so negative and come through something so positive," said Sariel Singletary, another 8th grade student at St. Gregory the Great School.

"It's very beautiful and it just shows people the positive sides of life and how to block out all the negative feelings that life can give you," said Frannie Pedersen, another student who worked on the mural.

And the students say they hope the mural has an impact on the community for years to come.

"I'm so happy this is done, it just has such a good feel and the environment is so much nicer!" added student Allison Lydon.

"I feel like this tunnel is. I feel like it's a part of me now," said student Taryn Lamb.

And so, for painting a picture of hope, these students are our Queens People of the Week.