It wasn’t the tooth fairy, but the Book Fairies that made a stop at a school in Corona on Friday.

More than 1,100 students at the Pioneer Academy got to take home two brand new or gently used books.

The non-profit, The Book Fairies, holds book drives throughout the year and distirbutes them to schools with high priority literacy needs. Organizers say developing a library at home helps foster a love for reading.

“I appreciate a lot of their kindness because some kids don't get to have the opportunity we have,” said 4th grader Saul Flores.

“Many of these kids don't have books in their homes and for a lot of them these will be the first book they will ever own,” added Amy Zaslansky, founder of the Book Fairies.

Each student also received a homemade bookmark to go along with their new books. For more information about The Book Fairies head over to their website at