Three NYPD officers and a lieutenant have been reassigned after the arrest of a Brooklyn postal worker that was caught on video.

It happened earlier this month in Crown Heights.

27-year-old Glenn Grays says he was delivering mail when an unmarked police car nearly hit his postal truck.

He says he shouted at the driver, and the officers backed their car up and demanded identification.

He says they exchanged words before he was arrested and issued a summons for disorderly conduct.

Police Commissioner Bill Bratton says the incident is being reviewed — adding the officers were in plain clothes when they should have been in uniform.

"I'm very concerned about the performance of the officers, about the leadership of the lieutenant involved and about the processing of the arrest at the precinct station house, so internal affairs is investigating and will make their recommendations to me very shortly," Bratton said Tuesday.

Police Union head Patrick Lynch said in a statement: "Videotaping police encounters usually results in a rush to judgment by people who have no first-hand information about what transpired. Everyone, including the Police Commissioner, should withhold public comment until all the facts are in."