Spectrum News' Valarie D’Elia looks at how to start your new year off with tips for healthy travels in this Travel With Val report.

Our body chemistry can quickly change when we are away from home, whether it stems from dehydration on a long plane ride or consuming food or drinks that don’t agree with us. Intestinal distress can even be psychosomatic.

"Your intestines will actually represent the emotional side as well," nurse practitioner Sue McSweeney, says. "Some people hold, so if they are away from their environment they hold. And other people are anxious so they will get diarrhea."

Trick is to prepare your bowels for a bumpy ride.

"A couple of weeks before, try to get on a regiment where you are eating good, not drinking alcohol a lot, and fiber and a ton of water," McSweeney says.

Packing some particulars in a medicine kit can help in a pinch.

"In your intestines is good bacteria, bad bacteria. So when you’re bloaty, gassy, burpy, it's bad bacteria," McSweeney explains. "So the probiotics are actually good bacteria, so that's why it's good to get a multi-strain and not just acidophilus."

What about every nomad's nemesis: jet lag?

"If I need to sleep because the time zones are that off, I will just let my body sleep. And if I wake up and its midnight, I’ll take an Ambien and go back to sleep," McSweeney says.

Finally, sync your clock to the local time.

For more travel tips, visit TravelWithVal.com.