While shore excursions are designed to be liberating, one of the most fascinating excursions that you will ever find off a cruise ship is actually confining. Time Warner Cable News’ Valarie D’Elia filed this Travel report.

"When you think of a maximum security prison, you think of something that is completely under lock down, so it is kind of neat to see," says passenger Danny Almon.

Passengers onboard the American Queen Steamboat can choose, from among its shore excursions, an unlikely visit behind the barbed wire of Louisiana State Penitentiary, also known as Angola.

"Sends a message to America that this is a safe prison. This is a solidly run, innovative programming involved here with our reentry programs," says Gary Young of Louisiana State Penitentiary.

Onboard a bus, cruise passengers tour the Manhattan-size farmy grounds of the legendary prison, catching a glimpse of inmates engaging in chores such as dog and horse training, and raising crops, with a drive by of the location of the nation’s longest running prison rodeo.

All of this leads up to a riveting encounter with a reformed prisoner serving life for second degree murder.

“Most of our population here in this prison, a little bit over 6,300 men, have a life sentence and are serving life so what gives men hope beyond that realization every day? To be better men," says prisoner Hayward Jones.

This award-winning shore excursion offers a sobering experience, not from sleeping off a few too many margaritas, but reconciling your feelings after interacting with a “lifer” seeking redemption.

"I will never forget this ever. Ever," says passenger Mike Doyle.