Located at the corner of Constitution and Delaware avenues is the Russell Senate Office Building.

On this day, mementos in memoriam to a senator that has been, and will continue to be, dearly missed.

"Senator McCain was a great man," Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer said. "One of the few great men I've met in my life. You don't meet many."

However, with the grief, resolve, to honor the late Senator John McCain by renaming Russell.

"So I'll be introducing a resolution with Senator Flake to change the name of the Russell Building to the McCain Building," Schumer said.

McCain's office is actually located in the Russell Senate Office Building. For much of the day, people have been walking by, but also, people have been pausing to stop and look at that nameplate and have a moment of reflection.

The Russell Senate Office Building is one of three Senate office Buildings that make up the Senate portion of the Capitol complex on the Hill.

Built back in the early 1900s, the building is presently named for Senator Richard Russell of Georgia and played host to historic hearings and meetings from the sinking of the Titanic to Watergate.

Russell's history was a controversial one. He had a track record in favor of segregation and voted against numerous civil rights bills during his tenure.

Schumer says he'd wanted the building renamed for a while and felt honoring McCain in this way was prudent. 

"A man whose name he would replace, Sen. Richard Russell, a towering figure in his day, was nonetheless an avowed opponent of civil rights and the architect of the Southern filibuster that long delayed its passage," Schumer said.

A gesture from colleagues that crosses party lines to give back to a senator who gave so much for his country.