The so-called three men in a room gave a session-ending news conference - touting their agreement on a long list of issues including rent regulations for the city.

It comes more than a week after the session was scheduled to end.

Two days ago, Governor Cuomo and legislative leaders announced that they had a framework deal. Today, they continued putting finishing touches and details on the framework deal.

Both the Senate and the Assembly were due later in the night to begin voting on the large bill.

The bill includes a wrap-up of a number of issues of particular interest to residents of New York City and some 2.5 million rent-regulated tenants.

The city’s rent laws have technically lapsed two days ago, but legislators will end up passing a bill that strengthens tenant protections and it will be made retroactive.

Advocates have said the strengthening does not go far enough.

“It’s still not enough, say the advocates,” said Governor Cuomo. “Yes, we advocate for the ideal, we live in the real. It would be better if we lost no units – of course,” he added. “This is the best in history. It reduces greatly the number of units that come out of the system. But this is not going to address the affordable housing crisis alone.”

The one change that did come from Tuesday today is that Governor Cuomo will be able to officiate weddings. Technically, under the Constitution, he does not have the power to do that. Cuomo apparently asked for the power during the negotiations over the past couple of days.