Several immigrant advocacy groups on Staten Island are joining forces in order to send a clear meassage to Congressman Dan Donovan (R-NY) and several local organizations aren't mincing words. They gathered outside the representative's office to make their views known.

Members of the Dream Action Coalition, El Centro, La Colmena, Move Forward Staten Island and Staten Island Women Who March gathered in New Dorp to make a point. They say they want to remind the congressman that he represents them in Washington.

Those rallying take particular issue with a Trump adminstration policy on handling undocumented immigrants when they try to cross the border. The policy sends the parents to jail, while the children are placed with the Department of Health and Human Services. 

"We are very distressed one, about what this adminstration is doing to migrant families. To children being separated from thier parents who are fleeing violence, who are fleeing potential death in Mexico or central america," says Gonzalo Mercado, Executive Director of La Colmena

Protestors add they want Donovan to stand up for Pablo Villavicencio, an undocumented immigrant detained last week while trying to deliver a pizza to a Brooklyn military base. 

The congressman responded with a statement, which read in part "the reality is Mr. Villavicencio had an outstanding warrant because he failed to follow a judge’s deportation order eight years ago.  It’s an unfortunate situation for his wife and young children, but our military personnel can't be faulted for carrying out the duties they swore to uphold."