NEW YORK - Twelve companies have submitted proposals to operate dockless bike sharing in the city.

Currently, there are 12,000 Citi Bikes in the city, but most of them are in Manhattan.

It's hard to expand Citi Bikes to other boroughs because it takes time and money to build them, as well as figuring out where to put them.

That's where dockless bikes come in because no infrastructure is needed to expand the service.

You can find them and leave them using an app on your phone that has a GPS.

A list of 12 companies came out proposing to operate the dockless bikes, one of them being Motivate — Citi Bike's parent company.

Also on the list is Jump, a company that has partnered with Uber in California.

For the dockless bikes to be throughout all five boroughs, it will take about a year from when city gives permission.