Things got heated both inside and outside a meeting in Brooklyn to discuss the future of the Bedford Armory.

District leader Geoffrey Davis took heat for being one of the few officials to support the plans to turn the armory into a rec center with residential units.

That includes 56 luxury condos and 330 new apartments. Only half would be affordable.

Davis says it will reduce crime on the streets.

Meanwhile inside, about 100 protesters interrupted speakers.

A spokesman for the developer says the market-rate units will subsidize the low income apartments, but opponents say more units need to be affordable.

"Once they build that, a lot of tenants who've been in the community for years is going to be forced out," said one opponent.

"People don't need pools. They need to be able to afford to live in Crown Heights," said another opponent. "So I don't think it's enough. I think what we want is affordable housing."

Another meeting is scheduled for Monday to gather public input.