Young aspiring cyclists from under-served communities get a hot new set of wheels for the holidays.

Employees from the Mets and Bloomberg teamed up to give away two hundred bikes to kids at the Flushing YMCA Sunday. The bikes are a holiday gift to kids involved in Bike New York's free educational program. They also received helmets and information on how to ride safely in the city.

“It's great. The smile on the kids' faces today and the fact that these kids have learned to ride through bike New York and now they actually have a bike so they can practice all the skills that they've learned,” said Mets employee Haeda Mihaltses.

“I'm going to ride all day, every day,” added young Laila Wright, who lives in Flushing.

“So thankful for you guys giving me [a bike], and I'm so happy. I can't wait until I ride it,” said recipient Rachel Naspud.

The Mets and Bloomberg employees built 1,000 bikes earlier in the week to distribute to communities in need across the city.