Federal officials are looking into a Delta Airlines pilot's claim that he saw a drone while approaching JFK airport around 5 p.m. Friday evening.

A recording captured the conversation betweent the pilot and the air traffic controller.

    Pilot: About a mile back there was a drone flying just under the southwest side of this abandoned airport here.

    Tower: At which altitude did you say that was?

    Pilot: I would say probably about a hundred feet below us, just off our right wing.

The Federal Aviation Administration says Delta Flight 407 was about 1,400 feet off the ground when the pilot saw the "unmanned aircraft system."

Federal officials don't allow flying drones above 400 feet.

Those operating drones within the city must have official clearance to fly within 5 miles of an airport or city airspace, unless they are in a specified "flying field" located at some city parks.

The Delta flight landed safely without having to take evasive action.